Again the South

On the one hand, it is a vanishing line that drags us, through divisions and over thresholds, to an unpredictable and unknowable fate, towards the mysterious and arcane, whose secret force always attracts us. On the other hand, it is an unexpected breakthrough line that at times leads us from undetectable fissures, imprecise detours and small modifications to completely irreversible processes. Someone will always appear from the south, shaking things up, with such an inexplicable energy and vigour that everything is at stake.
Naturally, along with the south as metaphor, it appears as a physical space that possesses millenarian and multiple charms. Drawing on these premises, the programme Again the South with its 16 films made between 1999 and 2009, is designed to give the greatest visibility possible to art in the south, from the south and for the south, showing the complexity of the planes, lines and segments of this enigmatic physical and metaphorical territory: the people, the urban space, the architecture, the landscape, the streets, the journeys, the dreams, the past and the present, immigration, the place as material, fate, animation as a tool for memory and protest, words and things, the manipulation of photographic images, the public and private spheres, the metropolis, the music, the flamenco and…a surprising Seville under the underground gaze of Juan Sebastián Bollaín (Madrid, 1945).