CNDM. Proyecto Veinte21
Joan Cerveró, directorVicente Alberola, clarineteAlva Noto, electrónica y vídeo

The constructive and self-generated music of John Cage starts us down this path that explores the many and diverse ways to organise sound. As Ligeti used to say, he only aspired to be a builder, composing his KammerKonzert with the delicacy and meticulousness of an old artisan but with the energy of a new voice, and it is now a 20th century classic.
Another new voice, heralding change, came with the arrival of minimalism as one of the last truly important isms, here in the form of pieces of musical gold, of natural counterpoint, such as the music of Steve Reich, who with his small tribute to repetition and to his city, New York, shows us the constructive and minute nature of music. His composing style and his conceptualization of the world of sound are constantly changing and he still has a direct influence on the new voices in composing, such as that of the minimalist, sensual and eloquent, fellow-American Phil Niblock; or that of German-born Alva Noto, the latter a veritable star of techno-electronic music who regularly makes transgressive proposals with other musicians of diverse origins and aesthetic tendencies. The concert includes the world premiere of a piece that CNDM commissioned Sonia Megías to compose for Proyecto 20/21. Sonia is a young voice engaged in a constant search her own means of expression. Performance art, interventions, theatrical music,...these influences will always be shown by this new way of understanding the world through sound: open, plural, multi-shaped, free of dogmas, having its own voice, but with the constant and painstaking work and devotion of the artisan.
John Cage (1912-1992)
First Construction in metal (1939)
Steve Reich (1936)
New York Counterpoint (1985)
Sonia Megías (1982)
Sshhcrack! (2012)
György Ligeti (1923-2006)
Kammerkonzert (1969-1970)
Phil Niblock (1933)
Alva Noto (1965)
Utp (2009)