Enlace-51. Cecilia Barriga

Fascinated by the original material found in audiovisual archives and small-format documentary as a language and a fast, invisible technical resource, her eye captures both the intimate, solitary space of a person and the spontaneous performativity of various groups.
This presentation includes works such as her cult piece, Meeting Two Queens (1990), a work on gender deconstruction that engages the book Gender Trouble by Judith Butler (published in the USA also in 1990) and El día del euro (2007), the story of a chance encounter in Zurich between two older women who had a love affair in their youth. The programme also includes an extract from her documentary Granada treinta años después (2010), which commemorates the historical demonstration made by women in that Andalusian city, a landmark of the women’s movement in Spain.
Casa en red, 2010, video, 8’
iArco nano (Arte pequeño), 2010, video, 2010, 2’
Ojo Eje, 2009, 3 5 mm, 6’
Granada treinta años después, 2010, video, 52’ extract
En el río, 2006, video, 6’
El día del euro, 2007, video, 6’
Meeting Two Queens, 1990, video, 14’