The Composition in Real Time Workshop directed by Cláudia Dias

The Composition in Real Time Technique (CTR), created by Portuguese artist João Fiadeiro, was devised within the context of contemporary dance and crosses the frontiers of performance arts, evolving into a method of investigation on forms of encounter.
Its use perpetually aims to be in relation to the other. Thus, when still applied to the context of art – that is, in an aesthetic context – its use is ethical, helping to make assertive decisions, or rather those suited to the context. Its utopia is collective experience, being together, whether it is an artistic or social context.
CTR opens up an experimental space in which other forms of interpretation can be practiced and are able to think about and act on the present (cultural, social, political) from an aesthetic perspective. Placed in the interstices where art and politics come into contact, the zone where collective declarations of dissent are invented and redesigned, CTR is also a work tool for coping with the unknown, a practice without a predefined script. Thus, it can be understood as a technique for surviving the prospect of what is to come.
The technique comprises a system of thought and operational guideline also made up of a set of tools. This guideline, its practice, is structured by a spatial, temporary and functional framework and supported by mobile guidance principles found in permanent (re)formulation.
Cláudia Dias (Lisbon, 1972) begins her education as a performer in the Almada Dance Group and Ninho de Víboras Collective. She works with RE.AL in the creation strategy of João Fiadeiro and his Composition in Real Time Technique (CTR). Her work as a choreographer and performer, between visual arts and dance has been welcomed by a number of national and international institutions, theatres and festivals.