Spaces to Preserve Contemporary Creations

Developed by Fundación Gabeiras, Legacies. Spaces to Preserve Contemporary Creations is a project which seeks to analyse the situation of artistic legacies in the Spanish State from a social and legal perspective. It comes into being with the aim of drawing up a legal report to put forward solutions to a widespread problem of neglect in a state-wide context: the precarity of senior artists and safeguarding their contemporary legacies.
From a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation, developed in the initial stages of the project with artists from today’s contemporary sphere, the Museo Reina Sofía organises an encounter to share the conclusions drawn from the study, the testimonies of a cluster of artists from the Spanish State, and national and international legal experiences which help to improve the current state of legacies. Moreover, the open lines of research from Fundación Gabeiras are outlined as possible solutions or the next steps to follow, and there will also be a call to professionals from different strands of the contemporary art world to reflect upon and stress the need to address the situation.
Fundación Gabeiras is a non-profit organisation with the primary goal of contributing to wellbeing and social justice through the design and development of projects which encourage interdisciplinary dialogue to ensure the protection and promotion of culture as key tools to strengthen a more equal, inclusive, joint and innovative society.
9:30am Institutional Welcome. Outlining the Problem
— With Manuel Segade, Mercedes Roldán, Gonzalo Cabrera and Adrián Piera. Presented by Roger Dedeu
10am Artists’ Round Table. Legacy in the Voices of Female and Male Contemporary Artists
— With Concha Jerez, Tania Pardo, José de la Mano, Victoria Encinas and Fernando Sáez. Moderated by Isabel Durán
11:15am Coffee Break
11:45am International Experiences. Comparing Legal Experiences Around the Legacy of Visual Artists
— With Caroline Black and Loretta Würtenberger. Moderated by Antonia Blau
12:45pm National round table. Comparison of legal experiences around the legacy of visual artists
— With Rubén Castells, Alberto Ferreiro and Rosa Ros Amador. Moderated by Belén Álvarez
2pm Presentation of the Project Legacies. Spaces to Preserve Contemporary Creations. The Situation for Senior Artists in Spain and Proposals to Support Them and Conserve Their Legacies
— With Lucía Cureses, María Lorenzo and Candela Sánchez
2:30pm Lunch