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Neighbourhood Picnic

Re-enchanting Lavapiés

Saturday, 10 June 2023 - Check programme
Organised by
Inside the framework of
TIZ 9. Relational Ecologies

In its fifth edition, the Neighbourhood Picnic transforms, once again, the Museo Reina Sofía, turning it into a space of encounter, enjoyment and resistance for all residents of Madrid’s Lavapiés neighbourhood.

Under the theme Re-enchanting Lavapiés, which draws inspiration from the notion of “re-enchanting the world” put forward by feminist activist Silvia Federici — highlighting the need to drive forward alternative logics to capitalist development — the aim here is to create other forms of resistance: actions for survival which connect us to nature, people and our bodies, allowing us to live full lives.

For another year, the Picnic becomes the stage and loudspeaker for the struggles and protests of the collectives and associations that make up the Museo Situado network. This time around, the main mobilisations are framed within the defence of public and universal healthcare, the Caravana abriendo fronteras (Border-Opening Caravan) awareness-raising campaign against borders and the visibility of illness caused by the work done by female domestic employees.

Organised by
Financiado por la Unión Europea


Actividad pasada 11am - 6pm
Playing, Singing, Communicating

11am – 2pm
Gymkhana in the Museo
Games for children between the ages of 6 and 13, organised by the collective Hola Vecinas, La Tortuga and Esta es una plaza.

11:30am – 6pm
Guided Tours in Other Languages
Thirty-minute tours around the Museo Reina Sofía Collection, led by students from the Aissatou Ndiaye school of situated mediation
11:30am In Bengali
12pm In Darija
12:30pm In Wolof
1pm In Spanish
5pm In Bengali and Darija
5.30pm In Wolof and Spanish

12pm – 2pm
The Contradiction and the Question
Voice-recording Workshop on Wikipedia
— Run by Carolina Espinoza and artist Dani Zelko

Gymkhana in the Museo and Guided Tours in Other Languages: Sabatini Building, main entrance
The Contradiction and the Question: Sabatini Building, Workshops

Gymkhana in the Museo and yThe Contradiction and the Question: 20 people
Guided Tours in Other Languages: 10 people


Registration with collectives from the Museo Situado network

Registration closed

Actividad pasada 6pm – 10pm
Re-enchanting Lavapiés
With MCs Roxy Pérez and Ibrahima Sow

Picnic run by Tómate Algo

6pm – 9pm
Games and Workshops
Lavapiés Voices. Recording Booth on Wikipedia
Family games under the awning of Colectivo Caput. A shady space with games for all ages.
Discovering the neighbourhood’s struggles. Screen-printing workshop with the Taring Padi collective

7pm – 8pm
Political-performative Actions around Campaigns, Carried Out in the Museo Reina Sofía Garden by Museo Situado collectives
7pm Activation: Borders Kill
In memory of the Melilla massacre on 24 June 2022, this campaign denounces the CIEs (Migrant Detention Centres) as a repressive political response to immigration, defending the legality of all people and their right to free movement

7:15pm Activation: Recognising the Professional Illnesses of Female Domestic and Care Workers
Propelled by Territorio Doméstico and collectives of female domestic and care workers, this campaign shines a light on the specific illnesses suffered by working women from this sector and demands safe working conditions.

7:30pm Activation: In Defence of Public and Universal Healthcare
A campaign driven by collectives of healthcare professionals and Madrid residents to defend the public healthcare system

— Conducted by Fanfarria Transfeminista

8pm – 10pm
Live Music and Dance
8pm Welcome from Mabel Tapia (deputy director of Museo Reina Sofía) and Batouly Rahmatoulaye (a resident from the Lavapiés neighbourhood)
8:15pm Diploma ceremony conducted by the Aissatou Ndiaye situated mediation school
8:30pm Concert by Sedna Percusión
9pm Concert by Guararè Orquesta

Sabatini Building, main entrance and Garden

500 people


Free, until full capacity is reached, with prior ticket collection on the Museo Reina Sofía website. A maximum of 2 per person