An Uncomfortable Proposal
Sociología Ordinaria Encounters #11

Sociología Ordinaria is a transdisciplinary research group that explores daily knowledge deemed ordinary, superficial or frivolous from a traditional academic and intellectual viewpoint. Over the past decade, its members have sought to render an account of the complexity and relations of power that underlie diverse social and cultural phenomena such as the use of dating apps, language around COVID-19, the world of the cuplé, reality shows, pyjama parties, popstars, TikTokers, club culture, and so on. Their encounters also endeavour to create an open and multi-disciplinary space.
An Uncomfortable Proposal. Sociología Ordinaria Encounters #11 sets out to address discomfort and its correlations and networks of meaning: significations, impressions and feelings, and how they affect us and also orient and disorient us.
Thus, it seeks to treat discomfort as a political, affective, ethical and aesthetic position and situation, and examine it in knowledge, methodological and epistemological research and production. From this perspective, discomfort also operates to indicate or reveal risk and belonging in processes of research, with the understanding that, similar to Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, we must run at least as much risk as the running people, beings, objects and entities that and whom we study. Therefore, there is importance in designing grounded research and modes of participation, in lieu of seeking to look from above and the outside, focusing on the “China in the shoe” as Latour recalls citing John Dewey, following the problem, the trouble, as Donna Haraway advises, and taking the time to pay attention and listen, breaking from resolutive and explicative aspirations.
The programme is articulated around a selection of proposals received through an open call which pursues a transdisciplinary structure, and which aims to provide a diverse and open space with the capacity to house proposals from different disciplines, styles, formats, generations and living situations.
Sociología Ordinaria is a research group from the Complutense University of Madrid’s (UCM) Sociology Department. Formed in 2011, its concerns revolve around developing new research and teaching methodologies that enable sociological imagination to be applied to contemporary daily life. The group seeks to bring to the surface the dense socio-political roots of the ordinary as abject and disdainful categories of the banal, frivolous and superficial, an aspect of social reality which is invisible in dominant academic analysis.
10am Presentation
― Conducted by Sociología Ordinaria and Germán Labrador
10:30am Methodological Unease
Develop-with Malaise. A Proposal of Epistemological and Methodological Repairs Upon Investigating the Malaise of Sexuality
― Conducted by Nerea Velázquez Berrio
Wake Up, Neighbour! They’re Evicting on Your Doorstep!
― Conducted by Mercedes Cortés, Candela Pastoriza and Iraia Pérez
Common Agencies of Feeling-Thinking for Ordinary Discomfort. On the Experimental Workshop of Creation. Stage One: Theatre-Forum
― Conducted by Feliciano Castaño Villar
As Napoleon Said: A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush
― Conducted by Sopa sólida
12pm Break
12:30pm The House of Your (Bad) Dreams
The Room of Little Spears
― Conducted by Gil-Fournier Esquerra
Architecture of Temporary Fixes. Uncomfortable Mediations of Three Collectives that Are Self-Managed to Rethink Care and its Architectures
― Conducted by Tomasz Czepielik
1:15pm Diners of Discomfort
Screw the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Structural Violence at Lunchtime
― Conducted by Sheila Moreno Griñón and Javier Aarón Rubio Lora
Tabled Protocol. Codes of Conduct as Colonial Heritage
― Conducted by Youssef Taki
4pm Bodies that Matter...
Nobody Knows What a Body Can Do ― to Survive
― Conducted by Irene Mahugo Amaro
My Concentric Body
― Conducted by Virginia Rodríguez Herrero and Ruth María Soria
Corporalities that Cause (Us) (Dis)comfort
― Conducted by Irene Calderón Mazzotti
5:15pm... Bodies that Cause Discomfort
Fat Bodies, Uncomfortable Bodies. Reflections Around Fat Studies
― Conducted by Laura Albet Castillejo
Alianza Diska-Gorde
― Conducted by Itxi Guerra and Laura Castro
10am Artefacts of (Dis)comfort
By the Skin of Our Teeth! Tasteful Minoxidil Does Sting
― Conducted by Elena Urieta Bastardés, Guillermo José Jurado Villacañas and Biel Navarro López
From Bicycle Pump to Mifepristone. Malaise, Criminalisation and Feminist Resistance in the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (A Story)
― Conducted by Carmen Romero Bachiller
10:45am Gestations
BetaBlastoCuir and Communities of Ice
― Conducted by Ona Bros
Markets Formed by People: Discomfort as a Changing Constant in the Study of Fertility Clinics
― Conducted by Sara Lafuente Funes
11:30am Break
12pm Uncomfortable Men
Discomfort, Risk and Desire Between Men Who Have Sex with Men
― Conducted by Kerman Calvo and Ignacio de Loyola González Salgado
Uncomfortable Youth Masculinities. Confusions and Threats Perceived Before the Shattering of Traditional Values
― Conducted by Stribor Kuric Kardelis
Fluid Gender in a Gym
― Conducted by Enrico Mora
1:15pm Female Malaise
The Experience of Academic Writing Groups with Women: The Power of Sharing the Discomfort of Being a Woman at University
― Conducted by Nadia Hakim-Fernández
Grey’s Anatomy: The Discomfort in a Lack of Representation of “Women’s Legacies” Found in Ordinary Aspects of a TV Series
― Conducted by Jocelina Laura De Carvalho Segato
4pm Stage Discomfort
Subnopop as a Strategy of Discomfort
― Conducted by José-Luis Anta Félez and Almudena García Manso
Precarity and Performativity in Contemporary Film: Subjectivity in Dance in Ema (Pablo Larraín, 2019) and Ya no estoy aquí (Fernando Frias, 2019)
― Conducted by Ana Sedeño Valdellos
Failures, Frauds and Other Frictions. Collective Authorship as Resistance
― Conducted by colectivo [intervalos]: Loreto Ares, Kiar Ciotoli, Irene Blanco, Gema Marín, Lara E. Marty and Marta Plaza
5:30pm Like Crazy: Malaise and Mental Health
What Happens to My Mental Health When I Study Mental Health?
― Conducted by Inés Bueno Pascual and Georgiana Livia Cruceanu
Going Crazy: Displacements of Discomfort and Managing Malaise
― Conducted by Rosa Jiménez Pereda and Vega Pérez-Chirinos