Activating Resistance with wayang kardus
Workshop with Taring Padi
Free, until full capacity is reached, with prior registration via email by writing to, until 31 May, stating your personal details (name and surname[s], place and date of birth) and reasons for participating in the workshop
Friday, 2 June – from 6pm to 9pm
Saturday, 3 June — from 5pm to 9pm
Sunday, 4 June – from 5pm to 9pm

The Indonesian art collective Taring Padi organises the workshop Activating Resistance with wayang kardus with a view to sharing one of its most distinctive artistic and political unrest techniques: the creation of wayang kardus, recycled cardboard puppets inspired by the rod and shadow puppets characteristic of traditional Indonesian theatre. By moving these figures from the stage to the streets, the collective seeks to make visible and support the social demands of the communities with which it collaborates. During the workshop, participants are invited to collectively produce cardboard puppets of different sizes, cut out and painted by hand, to reflect the social campaigns and discourses which are currently propelled by collectives and inhabitants from the Lavapiés neighbourhood in Madrid.
This activity takes place inside the framework of the machinations exhibition, which explores the multiple forms of resistance, coalition and creativity driven from today’s art.
Taring Padi was founded in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 1998 by a group of artists and activists involved in the socio-political uprising against the corrupt and violent dictatorship of Haji Mohammad Soeharto, known as Suharto. Taring Padi’s mission is to use art as a tool of political unrest, solidarity and pedagogy for social and democratic change, working in solidarity with community groups on environmental and social justice issues. Its practice is characterised by the collective creation of wayang kardus, murals, banners, sculptures, and street theatre actions.