About the Architect José Antonio Coderch Interview In conjunction with the fortieth anniversary of the death of architect José Antonio Coderch (Barcelona, 1913–1984), one of his daughters, Ana María Coderch Giménez, speaks in this video about the visibility of his archive and the significance and validity of his architecture. Following the disruption that occurred in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, avant-garde architecture in Spain began to make headway in the 1950s through a group of young architects, notable among them Coderch. He oversaw many of the projects that are key to understanding and appreciating modern Spanish architecture: four decades encompassing a broad array of building types, for instance single-family detached houses, large housing complexes and buildings for offices, colleges and universities, and all with eye-catching results. The Collection
Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe Interview This video features an interview with Yanomami artist Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe (Sheroana, 1971), whose artistic training began with his family in the village of Sheroana, in Venezuela’s Amazon region. The Collection
Grada Kilomba Opera to a Black Venus. What would the bottom of the ocean tell us tomorrow, if emptied of water today? Devoted to the Portuguese artist Grada Kilomba, this exhibition is the most complete display of her work in Spain Exhibitions
“In the troubled air…” Curated by French thinker Georges Didi-Huberman, the exhibition “In the troubled air…” sets forth a political anthropology of emotion in a poetic tone. Exhibitions
On the Architect Martín Domínguez Esteban Interview In this interview, Martín Domínguez Ruz focuses attention on the figure and career of his father, the architect Martín Domínguez Esteban (Donostia-San Sebastián, 1897 – New York, 1970), whose documentary archive he donated to the Museo Reina Sofía in 2021 The Collection
La Ribot Interview María Ribot Manzano, La Ribot, is a dancer, choreographer and visual artist. In this interview she comments on a time frame spanning the start of her career in dance to the development of multidisciplinary projects. The Collection
Esperpento Popular Art and Aesthetic Revolution This exhibition explores the concept of “esperpento” (grotesque, deliberate distortion) as a nucleus of aesthetic thought capable of offering a new perspective to understand reality. Exhibitions
play pause stop Download Is There Really a Place on Radio for Experimentation? "Dead Letters" by Gregory Whitehead on Voice (B3 German Radio Opera) Gregory Whitehead is an artist, writer, radiomaker, text/sound poet, singer of tales, playwright and media philosopher. In his voice and text-sound works, he explores the tension between a continuous pulse and the eruption of sudden discontinuities.
Soledad Sevilla Rhythms, Grids, Variables This exhibition chronologically parses Soledad Sevilla’s trajectory by exploring more than a hundred works, stretching from the early part of her career in the University of Madrid’s Computing Centre to her current output. Exhibitions
Interview with Isabel de Naverán Estudio, 2019-2023 This video features an interview with Isabel de Naverán, the curator of ESTUDIO, an annual programme which, since its first edition in 2019, has brought together work in a range of formats and is the outcome of research. Activities Live Arts
FIGURY (przestrzenne). Ola Maciejewska ESTUDIO V. In the Recess, Occurrence This video features an interview with Ola Maciejewska in conjunction with FIGURY (przestrzenne) (FIGURE [Spatial]), a dance solo the choreographer performed inside the framework of ESTUDIO V. In the Recess, Occurrence. Activities Live Arts
Lo que baila (What Dances). Paz Rojo ESTUDIO V. In the Recess, Occurrence This video features an interview with Paz Rojo in conjunction with Lo que baila (What Dances), a performance carried out by the artist and choreographer inside the framework of ESTUDIO V. In the Recess, Occurrence. Activities Live Arts
ágidxen. Josu Bilbao ESTUDIO V. In the Recess, Occurrence This video features an interview with Josu Bilbao in conjunction with ágidxen, a work made conjointly with Estanis Comella and developed inside the framework of ESTUDIO V. In the Recess, Occurrence. Activities Live Arts
A Short Century A Lecture by Ibrahim Mahama The artist, curator and cultural manager Ibrahim Mahama, surveys his professional career, underscoring the connections between academic research, artistic creation and contemporary cultural strategies as entwined practices. Activities Seminars and conferences Centro de estudios
On the Architect José María García de Paredes Interview To mark the hundredth anniversary of the birth of architect José María García de Paredes (Seville, 1924 – Madrid, 1990), the Museo Reina Sofía, which has conserved his archive since 2021, honours this landmark through his daughter Ángela. The Collection
Interview with Álvaro Martínez-Novillo Madrid, 2023 Álvaro Martínez-Novillo (Madrid, 1948) was deputy director-general of Plastic Arts in Spain’s Ministry of Culture the year Guernica (1937) arrived in Spain. The Collection
Julie Doucet Interview The interview conducted with artist Julie Doucet (Montreal, 1965) in this video is part of the Museo’s Documents programme, which, in its 28th edition, focuses on a key figure in the development of comics in North America at the end of the XX century. Activities Seminars and conferences
Eva Lootz Making as if Wondering: So What Is This? With the phrase “Making as if Wondering: So What Is This?”, Eva Lootz (Vienna, 1940) alludes to a particular way of understanding the activity of art; namely, making, allowing a questioning of the world from scratch. Rooted in such an idea, this exhibition sets forth a panoramic journey through five decades of her career. Along with a selection of pieces Lootz recently donated to the Museo Reina Sofía, an ensemble of works is displayed for the first time, or reconstructed specifically for the occasion, with a strong focus on her drawings, which, straddling exploration and text, constitute a kind of parallel writing that has accompanied her research and work, at different points, as a bona fide diary. Exhibitions
play pause stop Download Sonic Genealogies crys cole on Annea Lockwood The aim of the Sonic Genealogies series is to listen to the work of some of the most eminent figures in experimental music and sound art in the 20th century.
James Lee Byars Perfect Is the Question Surveying the multiple allegorical and formal meanings of the matter explored by James Lee Byars (Detroit, Michigan, 1932 - El Cairo, 1997), the show focuses on the main themes crossing his work. Exhibitions
Abellón When Destiny Catches Up with Us. Desperate Actions Before the Sixth Extinction. Abellón is an audiovisual piece produced by Xoán-Xil and rooted in a concert performed with Ariel Ninas and Paula Ballesteros on 13 April 2023. Activities Live Arts
A Photographic Archive of the Museo El equipo que conforma el Archivo fotográfico del Museo Reina Sofía se enfrenta a una actividad diaria frenética, una labor que pese a pasar desapercibida juega un papel fundamental en la configuración de la historia de la propia institución. The Museum
Cards on the Table The memory of Nunca Máis and the stacked political cards Xosé Carlos Hidalgo, German Labrador Méndez and Daniel López Abel reflect in this video on card games as a complex device, with a popular matrix, in which leisure, protest, humor and design intersect. Exhibitions Library
Women Adult Comic Book Writers in Spain Montse Clavé, Isa Feu, Marta Guerrero, Laura Pérez-Vernetti and Marika Vila talk about their beginnings in the genre, influences, ways of doing things during the creative process and the way to address the existing gender gap in comics. Exhibitions Library
Some Imperatives The 2023 Expanded Theatricalities Chair This video features the durational piece Some Imperatives, which was performed in the Museo Reina Sofía from 29 September to 1 October 2023. The work was conceived by Tim Etchells, in collaboration with the Museo’s MA in Performing Arts and Visual Culture.The activity took place inside the framework of the Expanded Theatricalities Chair, which is curated by the research-creation group ARTEA and centred on analysing the thought that inhabits stage and performance practices. This third edition, under the title Forced Entertainment. Things That Go Through Your Mind When Falling, was articulated around Etchells’ artistic and discursive trajectory and his work with the Forced Entertainment collective. The programme welcomed improvised and durational performances, as well as lectures, performance talks and screenings of video creations. Activities Live Arts
Chris Ware Interview The Documents 27 programme, on the relationships between art and publishing, spotlighted the work of draughtsman and cartoonist Chris Ware (Omaha, 1967), one of the standout figures in independent comics. Activities Seminars and conferences
play pause stop Download What They Saw Interview with Russet Lederman Russet Lederman, alongside Olga Yatskevich, is the curator of the exhibition What They Saw. Historical Photobooks by Women 1843–1999 displayed in the Museo Reina Sofía in the Library’s Space D and Documentation Centre. Exhibitions Library
Archipelago 2023 El Hierro Will Once Again Be the Centre of the World From 2018 onwards, the Archipelago concert series invited the audience to delve deeper into the complexity of the contemporary world through listening, seeking to foreground music genres and modes of listening which provide an alternative to European and US cultural centres. This video, made by Javi Alvárez and Irene de Andrés, documents the seventh, and final, instalment of Archipelago, which was centred on El Hierro, a volcanic island which was considered prime meridian for centuries. Located halfway between Africa, Europe and South America, the island is also a metaphor for all music that circumvents the Western media’s powerful grid.This edition featured the screening of the film Eles transportan a morte (2021), by film-maker’s Helena Girón and Samuel M. Delgado, from Galicia and Tenerife, respectively; a performance by the Folkloric Ensemble of Sabinosa; music by DJ Travella from Tanzania and Malian DJ Diaki; and a concert by the Sardinian ensemble Tenores di Bitti “Mialinu Pira”. Activities Live Arts
Double Reina Performance with Pakita Inside the framework of equipo1821, drag artist Pakita activates Female Figure, a performative action conceived by artist Élan d'Orphium which reflects the illusion traditionally produced by images of the “the feminine” and presents them as artifice. Activities Education
play pause stop Download Is There Really a Place on Radio for Experimentation? "DO or DIY" by Vicki Bennett on Archives & Databases (C4 The Archive Project - Mindmap) Since 1991 British artist Vicki Bennett has been working across the field of audio-visual collage, repurposing pre-existing footage to craft audio and video collages with an equally dark and witty take on popular culture.
Olga de Soto Reconstruction of a Danse Macabre This new project—framed as part of the Museo Reina Sofía’s Fissures programme—revisits and expands upon a research project undertaken by Olga de Soto over more than a decade ago on Der grüne Tisch (The Green Table, 1932). Exhibitions
Antoni Tàpies The Practice of Art To mark the centenary of the birth of Antoni Tàpies (1923–2012), the Museo Reina Sofía and Fundació Antoni Tàpies have organised one of the most complete exhibitions on the artist to date. Exhibitions
Notes for a Time Apart A non-linear rapporteurship This video is the last stop in Notes for a Time Apart, a programme held in the Museo Reina Sofía from 30 June to 16 December 2023 with activities that looked to address other modes of conceiving time, beyond its normative and purely metric dimension. The programme was made up of a range of activities such as artistic and architectural installations, workshops, lectures, performances and encounters. The audiovisual piece here, which now works as a non-linear rapporteurship, gathers some of the gestures, sounds and encounters that took place, and aims to acknowledge and thank those who were willing to share time (and their time) during the programme. Activities Seminars and conferences Live Arts
After It’s All Said A Lecture by Denise Ferreira da Silva This lecture saw artist and anti-racist theorist Denise Ferreira da Silva present a new conception of aesthetics, her own approach to countering the colonial, racial and cisheteropatriarchal matrix inherent in Enlightenment and modern Western thought. Activities Cinema and video
play pause stop Download Much More Than the Notes Episode 1. Val Wilmer Much More Than the Notes is a podcast series dedicated to music, its poetics, and its politics. It offers interviews with personalities whose life and work is strongly entangled with music, whether they are musicians or not.
Ulla von Brandenburg One-Sequence Spaces Ulla von Brandenburg’s installations give rise to subjective spaces which immerse the spectator in suspended places that straddle reality and fiction. Exhibitions
Ibon Aranberri Partial View Esta exposición de carácter antológico dedicada a Ibon Aranberri (Itziar-Deba, Gipuzkoa, 1969) reúne una selección de obras desde la década de 1990 hasta el presente. Exhibitions
Documents 27. Chris Ware’s Worlds Conversation between Chris Ware and Carla Berrocal, Enrique Bordes and Raquel Jimeno This conversation took place on 11 October 2023 inside the framework of the Documents programme, the 27th instalment of which revolved around pre-eminent draughtsman and cartoonist Chris Ware (Omaha, Nebraska, 1967). Activities Seminars and conferences
play pause stop Download Is There Really a Place on Radio for Experimentation? Inductance by Tetsuo Kogawa
Picasso 1906 The Turning Point Picasso 1906: The Turning Point aims to look at Picasso’s first major contribution to modern art through contemporary eyes. Exhibitions
Music to Break Down Mastery Interview with Alexandra T. Vázquez For researcher and writer Alexandra T. Vázquez, listening is a unique way of approaching the realities facing cities, where sound works as underground architecture to render an account of their inhabitants. Activities Seminars and conferences Centro de estudios