Saturday, 21 October 2023 - 10am
Sewing to Heal
The Arpillera as Language and Resistance
Coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of the 1973 coup d’état in Chile, this conference addresses the language of Chilean arpilleras (burlap works), an exercise of reflection, denouncement and memory developed by groups of women in the dictatorship years. The activity is structured around a conversation on Conflict Textiles’ collection of arpilleras conducted by its founder Roberta Bacic and researcher Marina Vinyes; a symbolic handover ceremony of a series of five Conflict Textiles arpilleras acquired by the Museo Reina Sofía Foundation in 2023; and, as a coda, an arpilleras workshop led by Pilar López and Roser Corbera from the arpilleras group of the Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc (Badalona).
Activity of: Chile or Utopian Imagination
Thursday, 22, and Friday, 23 June 2023 - Check programme
Conjunctions 0
Encounter around the Study Centre’s Research Fabric
The Museo’s Study Centre organises two public sessions based on the first edition of Connective Tissue, the Museo Reina Sofía’s Programme of Critical Museology, Artistic Research Practices and Cultural Studies. During the encounter, the team of mobilisers share the works developed up to this point and reflect on their predictions. Equally, the group of Resident Student Researchers present their work on posters and in installations and talks with people interested.
Activity of: TIZ 9. Relational Ecologies
Monday, 12 June 2023 - 6:30pm
Revolution: Ideas, Imaginary, Memory
A Lecture by Enzo Traverso
This lecture by Enzo Traverso pivots around his latest book Revolution. An Intellectual History (Verso, 2021) in which he addresses the genealogy of the “revolution” concept and its multiple uses, giving rise to dialectic constellations from intellectuals such as Karl Marx, Aleksandra Kolontái and Auguste Blanqui and exploring the connection between their lines of theory and the existential realities they were developed within, and without averting the gaze from the aesthetic expressions that emerged in parallel with these revolutions, in addition to their relationship with time, oscillating incessantly between past and future, memory and utopia.
Activity of: TIZ 9. Relational Ecologies
Thursday, 8, and Friday, 9 June 2023 - Check programme
Open Chair
Forms of Thinking
Open Chair is a project which stems from a collaboration between Museo Reina Sofía and the Bachelor’s Degree in Art at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and aims to annually organise an in-person encounter to intersect and place in dialogue university with museum.
Activity of: TIZ 9. Relational Ecologies
10 March 2023 - 17 May 2023 - Check programme
From Malaise. Community Mental Health and Critical Institutionalism
Critical Node
In 2022, a group of people from Entrar Afuera, Nada Colectivo and Museo en Red embarked upon a research process on community mental health, critical institutionalism and the possibility of radio as a practice of collective communication. Therefore, the confluence of these three strands sets forth a hypothesis on cultural practice as a potential space for care and social transformation, inside the framework of structural forms of malaise rooted in the capitalist system.
Activity of: TIZ 7. Healing Institutions
Friday, 3, and Saturday, 4 February 2023 - Check programme
The Militarisation of Political Communication and the Alternatives Today: Beyond Culture Wars
International Congress and Workshop
This congress analyses the different levels and dynamics of confrontation employed by forms of militarised communication on their path to permeating social life and manipulating the collective experience of the present.
Activity of: TIZ 7. Healing Institutions
20 December 2022 - 26 January 2023 - 5pm
Collective Mourning and Planetary Mourning
Study Group
The Collective Mourning and Planetary Mourning Study Group is articulated around six sessions grouped into two blocks, whereby artists and researchers who work in different fields of knowledge — Alejandro Alonso Díaz, Marwa Arsanios, Rebecca Collins, María García Ruiz, Germán Labrador, José Antonio Sánchez, Alejandro Simón and Leire Vergara — are invited to share their investigations, readings, experiences and artworks, with the aim of cultivating a terrain of reflection and debate around mourning.
Activity of: Collective Mourning and Planetary Mourning
Thursday, 1, and Friday, 2 December 2022 - Check programme
Picasso from Cultural Studies. The Dream and Lie of Spain (1898–1922)
International Congress
This international congress is the first event to be held inside the framework of the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Pablo Picasso’s Death. Its title alludes to Picasso’s renowned prints under the title Sueño y mentira de Franco (The Dream and Lie of Franco, 1937), and investigates, from the field of Cultural Studies, Picasso’s relationship with the challenges, crises and transformations that shook Spain in the period stretching from the 1898 Disaster to the end of the Rif War in the 1920s.
Activity of: TIZ 7. Healing Institutions
Monday, 14 November 2022 - 6pm
After It’s All Said
A Lecture by Denise Ferreira da Silva
This lecture sees Ferreira da Silva examine contemporary works and artistic practices which call into question that which she calls the “transparent I”, a concept which references the modern subject hailing from the Enlightenment and customarily adopted in the position of spectator.
Activity of: TIZ 5. Phantasmata
Monday, 17 October 2022 - 6pm
Architecture in the Age of Pandemics. From Tuberculosis to COVID-19
A Lecture by Beatriz Colomina
Architecture and medicine have always been closely linked. Theories about body and mind traverse architectural discourse, turning the figure of the architect into a kind of doctor, the client into a patient. Every era has its different conditions, each one requiring its own architecture.
Activity of: TIZ 5. Phantasmata
Thursday, 13 and Friday, 14 October 2022 - Check programme
Alexandra T. Vázquez
To See What We Hear. To Hear What We See
The Museo Reina Sofía’s Juan Antonio Ramírez Chair invites Alexandra T. Vázquez, an associate professor of NYU’s Institute of Performing Arts at the Tisch School of the Arts, to participate in its programme of master lectures. The programme for this edition includes a seminar and a lecture concerning music’s relationship with different experiences, objects and spaces, and also the methods, modes and approaches around what we feel we know about the visual.
Activity of: TIZ 5. Phantasmata